Monday, February 23, 2009


After many hours of uploading I'm am sooooo happy to finally have "My First Video" on my blog. My next project is to create a video to introduce myself to the classes I'll be partnered up with, and for anyone else who visits my blog. I'll get to that in the morning, I think the beach might be a good place to film, well better then my dorm.

Frustration # 1. Right now YouTube is blocked everywhere on campus. So I need to hit the drawing board, and I might have a hike ahead of me tomorrow. Is there anyway around such censorship ?

Frustration # 2.I don't understand why some websites work so well and others, like the U of R site, work so poorly. It's like someone knows that I need to get on these sites and is preventing me from doing so. I have not been able to get onto Web CT since I've been here, but I can write and post this blog with ease. I don't get it..

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